Recent Episodes

110.5 The Third Dive: The Death of Rob Stewart - An interview with Robert Osborne

110.5 The Third Dive: The Death of Rob Stewart - An interview with Robert Osborne

This week Becky sits down with investigative journalist Robert Osborne to talk about his newest CBC Documentary The Third Dive: The Death of Rob Stewart.

THE THIRD DIVE goes deep into the tragic loss of Rob Stewart, and Robert Osborne’s documentary is a thorough investigation into the circumstances of his death - which didn’t quite add up.

Becky has a great conversation with Robert, discussing how he dove into this project, creating a documentary that remains unbiased, connecting with interview subjects, and the value of investigative true crime podcasts.

The Third Dive: The Death of Rob Stewart will be airing on Friday, October 26, 2018 at 9 PM on CBC-TV and on the CBC website from noon the same day.

111: Shivers (1975) with Lana Leprich

111: Shivers (1975) with Lana Leprich

110: Backcountry (2014) with Steph Guthrie

110: Backcountry (2014) with Steph Guthrie