Recent Episodes

15: Outrageous! (1977) with Champagna

15: Outrageous! (1977) with Champagna

This week, drag performer Champagna joins Becky and Cam to discuss the 1977 drama Outrageous! We cover Craig Russell’s career, how influential this film was to the LGBTQ community, and questions that really piss off drag queens. We also examine different critical responses to the film…they’re fascinating.  

On this week's show

Combining Theatre and Drag, Champagna Enemeacan be seen gracing the stages of The Drake HotelThe Gladstone Hotel, and The Beaver. West is the best! She continuously performs solo and with her Drag family The House of Filth- Toronto's most disgustingly beautiful bunch of girls. Occupy spaces! Celebrate love!

16: My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) with Danielle Ayow

16: My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) with Danielle Ayow

14: Pontypool (2008) with Carolyn Turgeon

14: Pontypool (2008) with Carolyn Turgeon