Recent Episodes

22: New Waterford Girl (1999) with Clare Brown

22: New Waterford Girl (1999) with Clare Brown

Cam, Becky and the delightful Clare Brown can’t believe it took this long to cover the indescribably charming New Waterford Girl from 1999. We discuss the travesty of this film’s lack of recognition, the on-going careers of the film’s stars, and why this film is not only unique but important. Also, Becky goes in hard on Anne of Green Gables. She is wrong.

This week's Shrimpton Suggests Shorts entry can be found here

23: The Silent Partner (1978) With Brendan Ross

23: The Silent Partner (1978) With Brendan Ross

21: Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) with Trevor Christie

21: Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) with Trevor Christie