Recent Episodes

113: Class of '84 (1982) with Alaska B

113: Class of '84 (1982) with Alaska B

This week, we’re talking to musician Alaska B of Yamantaka Sonic Titan about the cult classic Class of 1984 from 1982. Out of control on so many levels, we talk about the weird fear of punks from the late 70’s and early 80’s, set dressers taking things a little TOO far, and how seriously you can actually take a movie that’s this silly.

Class of 1984 is available for rent on iTunes, and a Blu-ray edition is available from Shout Factory.

This week’s end credit music is Dirt - by Yamantaka Sonic Titan.

On This Week’s Episode

113.5 Touched - An interview with Karl R. Hearne

113.5 Touched - An interview with Karl R. Hearne

112: Careful (1992) with Caelum Vatnsdal

112: Careful (1992) with Caelum Vatnsdal