Recent Episodes

118: A Very Merry Mixup (2013) with Emma Pedersen

118: A Very Merry Mixup (2013) with Emma Pedersen

This week, Becky sits down with one of her very dearest friends, actress Emma Pedersen to take part in a North American holiday tradition - the watching of a Hallmark Movie! Becky tapped friend of the show Mark Junop, who works for a Hallmark movie producing company to suggest his favorite - and thus, of the hundreds of Hallmark movies, 2013’s A Very Merry Mixup was selected.

Emma’s been around the block when it comes to Hallmark movies, having auditioned for dozens and been in one herself. She’s the perfect person to insightfully discuss why people LOVE these movies.

We go deep on this one, from the origins of the Hallmark Channel, the beats of the Hallmark Christmas Movie, our theories about why they’re so popular and our big city reflections on the values that they contain. (Hey, Hallmark, you won me over, but lay off the Tofu!)

Make sure to stay to the end to hear Emma’s theory on how the Edward Snowden scandal may have affected A Very Merry Mixup.

A Very Merry Mixup may not be rotation on TV, but you can check it out on the Hallmark streaming service.

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