Recent Episodes

162: The Crescent (2017) with Emma Allain

162: The Crescent (2017) with Emma Allain

Welcome to the first week of our annual halloween spooktacular. This week, we’re starting out slow and creepy with the 2017 TIFF Midnight Madness darling The Crecent with artist Emma Allain. Slow burning, building and deeply disturbing, If you’re a fan of ambiguously creepy horrors and the visuals of movies like “Mandy” you’re not going to want to miss this sensorily stunning film.

The Crescent is available on Amazon Prime right now for your viewing pleasure.

163: The Toronto After Dark Film Festival Special: A CanCon Preview

163: The Toronto After Dark Film Festival Special: A CanCon Preview

161: Air Bud (1997) With Stu Popp

161: Air Bud (1997) With Stu Popp