Recent Episodes

170: A Man in Uniform (1993) with Sandy Jobin-Bevans

170: A Man in Uniform (1993) with Sandy Jobin-Bevans

Hey, you. Yeah, you. We know you love movies about ineffectual guys who go berserk, Well you’re in for a real treat. This week, actor Sandy Jobin-Bevans brings us 1993’s (I Love) A Man in Uniform.

This is a gem of a movie from the depths of Canadian film history. Vicious, clever, dark, and featuring a brilliant performance by Tom McCamus, don’t miss this story of an actor who gets addicted to the power of wearing a cop uniform for a TV show, and tries to bring that power into the real world.

This is a tough one to find but will probably show up on a streaming service near you soon or at your local library.

170.5 A Year In Film (2019) - An Interview With Cameron Maitland and Alicia Fletcher

170.5 A Year In Film (2019) - An Interview With Cameron Maitland and Alicia Fletcher

169. Ice Blue (2017) & Fire (1995)  with Sandi Somers & Mike Peterson

169. Ice Blue (2017) & Fire (1995) with Sandi Somers & Mike Peterson