Recent Episodes

172: Highway 61 (1991) with Jonas Chernick

172: Highway 61 (1991) with Jonas Chernick

This week, Becky sits down with actor/writer Jonas Chernick to talk about the classic New Wave Canadian film from 1991- “Highway 61.” Another film knocked down off our “How have we not talked about this movie yet?” list.

Well, obviously we were waiting for Jonas to bring it out! Jonas’ has a strong relationship with this movie so it ends up being one heck of a discussion. Highway 61, as part of Bruce McDonald’s road trip trilogy is a key part of Canadian film history - on top of being a freaking delightful romp. In addition, Becky found a fabulous essay written by producer Colin Brunton about the actual nuts and bolts on how the film got made and clears up those Iggy Pop casting rumours.

Don’t miss this one - it’s easy to find on Fandor, Muvi, or at your local library. And Don’t forget to check out James Vs. His Future Self - screening in theatres across Canada soon, then available on Crave in the new year.

173: Café de Flore (2011) with Jessica Hinkson

173: Café de Flore (2011) with Jessica Hinkson

171: Going Down the Road (1970) with Jayne Eastwood

171: Going Down the Road (1970) with Jayne Eastwood