Recent Episodes

178: Acres (2018) with David Davidson

178: Acres (2018) with David Davidson

This week, Becky is joined by writer, film reviewer and programmer David Davidson - someone with a deep cut knowledge of the Canadian film scene who runs a regular Canadian film screening series in Toronto.

Did you know that Canada had a boom of unique DIY filmmakers in the early 2010’s? We did! Some names that pop up who made an international splash are Kazik Radwanski, Matt Johnson, and Andrew Cividino and among them is filmmaker Rebeccah Love. Focusing on short films, Rebeccah’s work is deeply personal, thoughtful, and poetic and we’ll be discussing this period and Rebeccah’s work, in general, all episode.

Find out more about Rebeccah Love and see more of her shorts at her website.

Read more of David’s work at Toronto Film Review.

179: Toxic Beauty (2019) with Phillis Ellis

179: Toxic Beauty (2019) with Phillis Ellis

177: Gina (1975) with Alexandre Franchi

177: Gina (1975) with Alexandre Franchi