Recent Episodes

38: Sleeping Giant (2016) with Michelle Alexander

38: Sleeping Giant (2016) with Michelle Alexander

Things get surprisingly heated this week as actress Michelle Alexander brings 2016’s coming of age masterpiece “Sleeping Giant”. We talk finding actors on Kijiji and unorthodox casting sessions, marijuana based Instagram, the power of charisma vs. skill, and how pathetic Alberta summers were are kids growing up. Sleeping Giant is available for rent and purchase on iTunes and it’s really worth your time. Give these people your money.

We don't normally do this, but the soundtrack is so good and is performed by a Canadian band, so we also recommend checking out the OST and the other works of Bruce Peninsula at their Sound Cloud page.

Shrimpton's Suggested Short

39: Goon (2011) with Aurora Browne

39: Goon (2011) with Aurora Browne

37: Visiting Hours (1982) with Richelle Charkot

37: Visiting Hours (1982) with Richelle Charkot