Recent Episodes

125.5: The Accountant of Auschwitz (2018) an interview with Ricki Gurwitz

125.5: The Accountant of Auschwitz (2018) an interview with Ricki Gurwitz

This week, Becky sits down one one of the team members behind the documentary The Accountant of Auschwitz, Ricki Gurwitz.

In 2015, former SS guard Oskar Gröning goes on trial for the murder of 300,000 people in 1944. It’s a tangled and shameful story, involving a collective and convenient amnesia, one that is only now being sorted out with the investigations of a handful of nonagenarians who might not live long enough to be tried.

It’s a challenging film, asking a lot of questions that resonate today about culpability, legal and moral responsibility, and the importance of documenting the stories of eye witnesses.

The Accountant of Auschwitz is available for free this month as part of the documentary channel’s preview for the month of February. Visit the documentary channel website for more information.

126: Monsieur Lazhar (2011) with Sunday Muse

126: Monsieur Lazhar (2011) with Sunday Muse

125: Nurse 3D (2013) with Stephanie Avery

125: Nurse 3D (2013) with Stephanie Avery