Recent Episodes

174.5 Luba (2018) with Vladimir Jon Cubrt and Nicole Maroon

174.5 Luba (2018) with Vladimir Jon Cubrt and Nicole Maroon

Could you work with your significant other to create & star in an award winning film about the relationship between a struggling single mother, her addiction challenged ex-husband, and their 8-year-old child? This week, Vladimir Jon Cubrt and Nicole Maroon discuss their debut feature film “Luba”.

A word of warning before listening. This week, we’re discussing topics that may be sensitive to some listeners, including addiction, children in peril, and abusive relationships.

Luba is fresh off the festival circuit and headed to theatres in Toronto & Calgary on January 10th (check your local listing for showtimes) and is available for rent and purchase digitally on Highball.TV.

175: The Films facilitated by LIFT (Part 2) with Chris Kennedy

175: The Films facilitated by LIFT (Part 2) with Chris Kennedy

174: The films facilitated by LIFT (Part 1) with Chris Kennedy

174: The films facilitated by LIFT (Part 1) with Chris Kennedy