Recent Episodes

183: The Peanut Butter Solution (1985) with Lee Paula Springer and Chris Bavota

183: The Peanut Butter Solution (1985) with Lee Paula Springer and Chris Bavota

Get ready to confront childhood traumas, as filmmaking married couple Lee Paula Springer and Chris Bavota bring us the classic 1985 film “The Peanut Butter Solution”.

In the 80’s producer, Rock Demere’s was on a mission to educate and affect children across the world with his innovative approach to Children’s entertainment through a series called “Tales for All”. If you grew up in Canada in the 80’s and 90’s it was impossible to avoid at least one of these films - including the fever dream that is “Peanut Butter Solution”. With a soundtrack by a baby Celine Dion, baffling messaging, and genuinely delightful special effects, don’t miss this much-loved Canadian oddity.

You can now purchase the blu ray with all of the extra goodies from Severin Films right now.

184: Astronaut (2019) with Sean Buckley

184: Astronaut (2019) with Sean Buckley

182:  The Grizzlies with Penny Eizenga

182: The Grizzlies with Penny Eizenga