Recent Episodes

184: Astronaut (2019) with Sean Buckley

184: Astronaut (2019) with Sean Buckley

This week, we have the CEO and founder of Buck Productions, Sean Buckley to discuss producing films in Canada and the new release and film festival darling, “Astronaut” from 2019.

This is a different perspective than we’ve had on the show before as Sean walks us through the challenges and advantages of making movies in Canada, as well as our position on the international stage in terms of how we make movies.

Find out more about Buck Productions and their full slate of offerings at their website.

185: Strange Black Curtains: an interview with Lynne Griffin

185: Strange Black Curtains: an interview with Lynne Griffin

183: The Peanut Butter Solution (1985) with Lee Paula Springer and Chris Bavota

183: The Peanut Butter Solution (1985) with Lee Paula Springer and Chris Bavota